
Sunday, July 29, 2012

Geeky Crafting

Bonnie Burton would be proud, y'all. Though, I'm guessing Ardian Syaf might be a little pissed about me cutting up issue #4 of the New 52 Batgirl.

 But check out my shooz!!!

With a little help from this:

They went from this:

To this:

Rest assured that I will be rocking the hell out of these as often as humanly possible.

Also, please note that the bubbles in the last image have been tidied up. My Batgirl stilettos are ready to fight crime. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

All you wanna do is ride around Sally

Ride, Sally Ride.

Today the world lost an inspiring woman. We all at some point thought, "Yep. I'm going to go into outer space. I could totally pass all the astronaut tests because I'm brilliant and assume I can do a pull up."* Sadly, we aren't really taking into consideration that we don't have Ph.D.s in physics and didn't do a shit ton of research on astrophysics and free electron laser physics in our early 20's [or maybe you did. I bow before you].

However, regardless of our academic records, I'm sure at one point or another we've all been pretty darned impressed by Sally Ride.

Sally Ride, the first American woman to enter space, died today at the age of 61. She'd been fighting pancreatic cancer.

Let's also note that at age 32 she was the youngest American (at the time) to enter space. Let's also note that she was the first lesbian to enter space.

Thanks for all the inspiration, bravery, and brilliance Dr. Ride!

If, somehow or other, you happen to be reading a dorky blog about dorky things, but don't know about Sally Ride's life, please consider watching this very informative video:

*I definitely cannot do a pull up. I've only ever successfully done two in my life, and after doing them I thought, "well, I'm strong enough to do pull ups now. No need to continue exercising."

Saturday, July 21, 2012

Fan art makes me smile with my [nerdy] heart

Today I saw Doctor Who fan art that looked like me. My head exploded into a bajillion happy pieces, of course. [just like what would happen if the TARDIS ever exploded, but I'm not saying that it ever has or will - TIME TRAVEL!!!!!!]

Anyway, in case you're wondering (duh), Gladys drew these totally SQUEEEEE-worthy Doctors as ladies, and Five looks a lot like yours truly, making me freak out with giddy geek joy. It's messy.


Obviously, this lead me down the nerd fan art road, and all roads lead to Rome, but I couldn't find fan art for the BBC/HBO series ROME. However, I did find this nifty drawing of Rory as a Roman, probs chasing the Pandorica or some such thing.

Below are my favorite finds of the day. Most are Whovian, but there are a couple other goodies. I gathered them over a 24 hour period and didn't think I'd be blogging about them at the start, so I wasn't keeping track of sources. As I kept seeing more and more goodies, I knew I'd want to share them. If the art is yours and you'd like a link back to your site, please feel free to message me or leave a comment.